Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro: fictitious images

Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro: fictitious images, by Artificial Intelligence

The Alto Douro Vinhateiro and the Transmontana region, with their different characteristics, especially those related to the landscapes, are represented in the NetBila channel in two of its videos. For their realization, one of the developing Artificial Intelligence image platforms - BlueWillow, at, served as artistic assistants. Through this platform, and the "prompts," that is, text instructions given in order to obtain the best possible results, the main objectives were considered to be light, color expressiveness, and similarities to the mentioned regions. Regarding these, some doubts may arise because despite an advanced level of development, some errors occur in these Artificial Intelligence platforms, such as inconsistencies in some elements of the compositions obtained.

Videos made from obtaining artificial intelligence images:

Trás-os-Montes: one hundred artificial images

The Douro, by artificial intelligence | Stunning fictitious images of the Alto Douro region!


Douro Valley

D'autres articles et vidéos sur la région viticole de Douro Valley sont disponibles sur le blogue NetBila'News, en portugais.